Brilliance of Alexandrite gemstone

Since ages, people have been wearing stone studded ornaments like rings, necklaces, wrist bands or pendants etc. for various purposes. Generally, people wear stone on the advice of their astrologists, as per their birth sign or for aesthetic purposes. As such there are numerous good looking and valuable gems that people wear such as Pearl, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Alexandrite and Opal besides many others. Although every precious or non-precious gem has its own importance, value and a place in ornamental jewelry yet when it comes to rare gems, Alexandrite occupies a special place. The rare gem Alexandrite is a color changing variety chrysoberyl and is rated very high among rarest gemstones in the world. How Alexandrite changes its color? Often, due to its ability to change color, Alexandrite gemstone is described as an emerald by day and a ruby by night. During day time, under sunlight, Alexandrite turns bluish green and when placed under luminescent light, it a...