A Brief Overview on Alexandrite Gem


Alexandrite Gemstone is considered one of the world’s highest-valued gemstones. It is quite rare in occurrence and has its unique characteristics of changing color in natural light and shade. Alexandrite Birthstone has a variety of chrysoberyl gemstones and is widely known as the cat’s eye. It is the stone for the month of June and also the 55th anniversary stone of marriage. If you were born in June then you have not only one but have two birthstones to choose from. It is a very extraordinary gemstone. It is also believed that it is the stone of Friday’s child. In this article read about the timeless beauty of Alexandrite Gem.

Alexandrite Gemstone Origin & its Composition

Alexandrite Gemstone is a rare gemstone due to its color-changing variety because of the mineral Chrysoberyl. This gemstone changes its color according to changes in light. The color appears as a greenish-blue to yellow-green in the natural daylight. It is every so often described as emerald by day and ruby by night. The varying color of the gemstone is due to the presence of foreign materials within the crystal’s structure.

Alexandrite Gem was first discovered in 1834 in the emerald mines in the Urals Mountains. It was named after tsar Alexander II who was the ruler of Russia in this period. It is one of the highest-quality gems and so rare that it is not very often found in modern jewelry of today. It is typically found in antique jewelry made in Russia.

Conclusive Alexandrite Stone Value for Sale

• Alexandrite Gem Clarity & Luster: This stone is typically clean in clarity and once it is polished it shows a glassy luster. This stone is considered to be a more valuable and appreciated gemstone. Sri Lanka is known for producing the cleanest Alexandrite Gemstone.

• Alexandrite Gemstone Treatment: Many Alexandrite gemstones are synthetic and may be natural simulated gemstones due to their color-changing effect. Synthetic alexandrite was available in the 1960s in the gem market. It can be very expensive to create synthetic Alexandrite in the laboratory.

• Alexandrite Gem Color: It is a green hue due to the result of chromium impurities. Sri Lanka’s Alexandrite is known for its brown color change. Brazilian Alexandrite is known for highly saturated blue to purplish color change. The most desirable Alexandrite Gemstone with pure hues and strong color changeability.

• Alexandrite Jewelry Design Ideas: Alexandrite is a rigid and durable stone. It is ideal for any kind of jewelry design such as wedding rings, earrings, pendants, and brooches. They are also perfect for making halo jewelry designs.

• Alexandrite Cutting & Shape: This stone is superficial brilliance in its shine and cuts in a way that maximizes light reflection. The shape can give an additional layer of uniqueness.

Conclusion: The Bottom Line

The Rare Gem Collection has ultimate authority on rarity. Their experts can turn any of your stones into the ring of your dreams. They provide service to their clients across the world. They are one of the best Alexandrite for Sale hubs in New York City. Browse their site at www.raregemcollection.com for complete information.

Contact Details:
Company Name: The Rare Gem LLC
Find Us: 50 West 47th Street STE 1518, New York, NY, 10036 United States
Phone: +1 (212) 382-2158
Email: Info@TheRareGem.com
Visit us: https://www.raregemcollection.com

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