June Birthstone Alexandrite | A Buyer’s Guide

Discovered in 1830 in the Ural Mountains in Russia, June’s official birthstone alexandrite has become the first choice of many individuals on the planet. In fact, the demands for alexandrite are so high that people are crazy to get it. It has been even produced in laboratories, and you might be amazed to know that the lab-created alexandrite gemstone looks pretty similar to the natural one to a certain extent. If you haven’t seen the original alexandrite yet, you probably won’t be able to differentiate between original and artificial alexandrite gemstones.

Many people are very obsessed with alexandrite and just want to get it anyhow; they need to be very careful because they may end up buying lab-created alexandrite at the price of natural gemstone. You might be thinking how a general person then can be sure whether he is buying natural alexandrite jewelry or artificial piece. Don’t worry! This article is going to help you; it includes some important information about alexandrite. So, without wasting more time, let’s get started.

Color Change

There is no doubt that alexandrite is vibrant like Diamond, but the reason why it’s so popular is because of its color-changing property. If we talk about diamond, it requires light rays to shine and it doesn’t change its appearance no matter where you keep it. On the other hand, alexandrite can dramatically change its color based on the light source in the surroundings. Keep in mind that lab-created alexandrite can also change its color, and you probably won’t be able to tell the difference between the stones.


Alexandrite is found in the form of small crystals; owing to which it’s usually not heavy. However, if you find big alexandrite, ensure that it’s original because generally, lab-created alexandrite is heavy. Nonetheless, big natural alexandrite jewelry is very rare due to this it’s pretty expensive. On the other hand, the lab-created gemstone is relatively very cheap and affordable despite being heavier and bigger in size. Therefore, you should check the weight of alexandrite before buying it. If its weight is higher than expected, it might be because it is a synthesized gemstone.


Alexandrite is naturally very hard, therefore, checking for the hardness of the gemstone is an excellent & very effective way to differentiate between genuine and artificial alexandrite gemstones. Naturally found gemstone is very hard and will scale 8.5 on the Moh’s scale, while artificial alexandrite is comparatively less hard. So when you go to buy natural alexandrite jewelry next time, make sure that it’s hard.


Alexandrite is the official June birthstone; therefore, many people who were born in June are tremendously crazy about this gemstone. However, finding a reliable seller can be challenging, especially for the first-timer owing to lack of or no experience or knowledge. However, you can get in touch with The Rae Gem Collection to get a top-quality natural June birthstone at the most reasonable cost. The company is pretty reliable. You can visit its official website by clicking on the following link if you want to: http://raregemcollection.com


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