Alexandrite Color Changing Property - Magic Trick Of Nature


Alexandrite is the most unique and fascinating gemstone on the planet earth due to its extensive properties. Though, the color change event in this gemstone occurs under a variety of lighting types. At first, gemologists consider the stone’s color to depend on the light and appear In daylight green whereas incandescent light, it's red.

What Causes is Its Color Changing properties?

Alexandrite is a part of the chrysoberyl family. Due to its crystalline structure, the gemstones tend to absorb light while a tiny number of crystals get replaced by chromium ions. Reflection of either green or red light comes after hints given by chromium. Additionally, the Alexandrite Effect causes the visual hue of the stone to change depending on how the human eye perceives it. This happens when the stone's hue shifts from green to reddish.

Do Each Color-Change Chrysoberyl is Alexandrite?

This question has been received through numerous people around the world and gem enthusiasts are willing to know the actual color of this gemstone. Many times it also has been heard about the color change that a reputed gemological lab needs to appropriately designate a chrysoberyl gem as alexandrite. People who are planning to get Alexandrite jewelry in form of necklaces, pendants, rings, or anything you want to, need to know that each color-changing chrysoberyl is not a kind of alexandrite. If the material is not fulfilling all the alexandrite features drop the decision of buying gemstone from that particular place.

Before you are going to consider any stone an Alexandrite, there is a parameter that needs to be checked out and then decisions should be taken to avoid disappointment. Alexandrites is a variety of chrysoberyl itself and the standards that define whether a stone is Alexandrite or not have to be observed under specific lighting.

Value Depends On The Percentage of Color Change

Color change and color value are the factors on which the price of Alexandrite depends. The more effortlessly the stone changes its color the more worth it is. Sometimes a gemstone will appear to you in rich color but is not capable enough to change its color in an ideal percentage. It is said by gemologists that the higher the change in color percentage the higher the value a gemstone carries. Similarly, the purer green or red the more worthy stones will be.

Therefore, keep the above saying in mind and ensure that you are making the right decision when it comes to purchasing this valuable gemstone. If you are searching for someone who can provide you with Alexandrite Necklaces, Alexandrite Ring, and more, you can trust the Rare Gem Collection.

Why Should You Trust On Them?

The Rare Gem Collection is one of the finest companies that have in-depth knowledge about all kinds of gemstones. Their jewelers are always welcoming of your questions and willing to satisfy you by answering your questions. They have extensive experience in the stone field and are known for their genuine work.


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